Over the years I've spent a great deal of time coming up with ways to get people to think about their life in a meaningful fashion. I've always wanted something simple that gets the process started. Part of the reason for this is that I would like to incorporate something into the late high-school curriculum and also because I understand that young adults (18-25) have extremely short attention spans.

One of the main things I've tried to create are multiple choice questions that stimulate thinking, especially about the notion of compromise and opportunity cost. In 2010, while academic sub-dean at Burton and Garran Hall (B&G till I die) I conducted the following survey with a startlingly good response rate (320/520 residents completed the survey, which was entirely anonymous and non-compulsory). My next few posts will be concerned with this survey, its results at B&G and with the issue of thinking about life and helping people think about life. For now, please answer the survey. Note that you cannot give multiple answers. Compromise and opportunity cost remember...

Please keep in mind that most B&G residents are 18-21 years old. If you are older please consider what you would have said at 21 and how things might be different now.

1. How many hours a week do you study (on average, not including contact hours)?
  1. 0-5
  2. 5-10
  3. 10-15                                      
  4. 20+                                 

2. Where would you rather be in 15 years time?
a.       married with children
b.      Earning a $¼million/yr with a fly ride (car), apartment and nice clothes
c.       Well traveled and world wise
d.      Doing a job you love but aren’t properly compensated for

3. What do your look for the most in a partner?
  1. Looks
  2. Possibility for learning and growth in a relationship with them
  3. Sense of humor and a keen wit
  4. Similar interests
  5. Insane/awesome sex

4. What would you prefer you kids to be?
  1. Super smart
  2. Power athletes
  3. Popular
  4. Unique

6. What do you see as being the most important thing in your life in the future?
  1. Security
  2. A life full of adventure
  3. A wonderful partner and/or family life
  4. A fulfilling and well-paid career

7. What do you want most from your time at university?
a.       a degree
b.      fond memories
c.       friends
d.      a better understanding of life

8. If you won half a billion dollars, you would
a.       Buy a bunch of investment properties
b.      Live your life in hotels while gallivanting around the world
c.       Become a professional philanthropist
e.       Put half of it on black

9. Where would you rather travel on an ample but not exorbitant budget?
a.       North America
a.       Europe
b.      South America/South East Asia
c.       China/Japan/Korea
d.      Around Australia
e.       The Arab World

10. Which of the following activities do you prioritize the most in your life?
  1. Study
  2. Socializing
  3. hobbies
  4. work

11. How happy are you with yourself? How much would you like to change?
  1. I am in need of a major overhaul
  2. I’m in a significant transition period
  3. I’m tweaking/tuning myself a bit, adding the final touches
  4. I’m very happy with my myself, my opinions, my skills, my knowledge etc; I wouldn’t change a thing

12. What would be the most important consideration in choosing your career?
  1. Remuneration
  2. Knowing that I am making a difference
  3. Enjoying what I do
  4. Learning from what I do, growing from it
  5. Being really, really, amazingly awesome at my job
  6. Power

13. How confident are you with your worldview, existential perspective, goals etc?
  1. Not confident, and I’m not sure what to do about it. I feel lost
  2. Not confident, but I’m taking steps to educate myself
  3. I’ve found some sure footing, but I am still searching
  4. I know what it’s all about and I know what I’m going to do with my life
