The government’s most recent budget should anger not
only those on left who value our welfare state and the Australian way of life,
but also anyone who subscribes to the liberal values of Mill, Russell, Popper
and Locke, economists, and Christian Democrats to boot.
There is merit to the government’s position that
deficits are bad policy. They represent an inter-generational injustice, where
the future must pay for the indulgences of the present. They constrain
borrowing for productive investment, and they leave us with few options in time
of crisis. But the way the present government has gone about rectifying our
budget issue (to call it a crisis is a joke) is callous, stupid, short sighted
and ineffective.
There are two factors driving Australia’s long term budget projections—the aging of the Australian population and the rebalancing
of China’s economy. Neither of these trends was engineered by the Labor
government, and the latest budget does next to nothing to address their
negative impacts.
Ross Garnaut has noted in his latest book that the
decline of China’s demand will cause a fall in the Australian dollar and a
decline in our terms of trade. This could be an opportunity to become
competitive again in manufacturing. But this will require productive investment
and a deep structural adjustment. Connectivity must be improved. Port
facilities must be expanded. Our education system must be reformed to ensure a
steady flow of skilled manufacturing workers to high tech sectors. A
manufacturing transition fund to assist workers in retraining to meet demand
from emerging industries would also be useful, and a sensible policy in the
wake of the demise of the car industry.
The government has done very little to address these
issues. The extension of income contingent loans to TAFE and other trade
related qualifications is welcome, but an inadequate policy if it exists in
isolation from a broader program of industrial reform. The funding allocation
to rail infrastructure is almost entirely re-announced existing funding. A new
airport for Sydney is long overdue, but hardly a comprehensive economic plan or
a help to manufacturing. New funding for roads is miniscule, but perhaps that
is for the best given that no independent cost-benefit analysis, whether from
the productivity commission or elsewhere, has suggested that roads are a wise
There are a raft of reforms that would ease the
burden of the aged on the budget without hurting the disadvantaged—almost none
of them have been undertaken. Pension
reform is meek. Superannuation rorts have been left alone. Cost blow outs in
medical treatment, most of which relate to expensive medical procedures rather
than GP visits, have not been addressed, and rorts relating to private home
equity remain.
Big ticket government expenses have not been abolished. Among other things, negative gearing continues to cost the government roughly $6 billion dollars per annum while distorting the price of housing and driving owner-occupiers out of the market. The mining industry, one of our most profitable, continues to receive a fuel subsidy in excess of $4 billion dollars a year. Untapped sources of equitable revenue are also being neglected. Superannuation remains grossly under-taxed. Reforms to the mining tax regime that could capture more of the gains from this inter-generationally iniquitous industry are being passed over. The government wants to abolish the lucrative Carbon Tax despite the improvements it makes to economic efficiency by allowing the market to determine the rate of consumption of carbon.
And what do we have instead of these sensible, fair
changes? An all-out assault on the poor and vulnerable. Obvious notables
include changes to unemployment benefits for the young that risk landing young
people out on the street and driving them to crime. Worse, these changes
undercut the fundamental mechanism of welfare state policy: when you are
starting out, society helps you; once you’re set and earning a nice wage, you
pay high taxes so that others might follow suit. What does the government hope
to gain from this heartless change? Under 4 billion dollars over four
years—less than the cost a single year’s fuel subsidy. GP co-payments are
expected to raise revenues of $6 billion over four years, less than a year’s
worth of negative gearing. Less than a fraction of the cost of the new medical
research fund, which addresses no existing unmet demand for funds. In exchange
we see the departure of another of the fundamental pillars of Australia’s
welfare system.
Let’s talk about foreign affairs for a minute.
Australia’s strategic affairs community is largely in agreement about the need
for fighter jets and submarines. These have been costed for some time and are
an important aspect of any denial based defence policy—the only kind of policy
feasible for us. But they are also in agreement that Australia’s best defence
is the projection of soft power. Cultural policies and the economic and social
development of our neighbours does more for curtailing animosity towards our
nation than a squadron of jets ever could. No submarine can prevent a terrorist
attack. Yet this government has annihilated the aid budget to pay for a program
of refugee detention that has wreaked havoc on our international reputation,
and is likely to destabilise Papua New Guinea. It has cut funding to the
Australia Network, one of our most obvious soft power initiatives.
Abbott has talked big of the courage of this
government. That’s bullshit. This was a cowardly budget. It places the burden
of Australia’s budget correction on the backs of those least able to bare the
load without addressing any of the long term structural drivers of our budget
problems. This budget shows a complete lack of leadership, competence and
compassion. It is thoroughly un-Australian and I sincerely hope it earns this
government the boot.
Is there any evidence that cuts to welfare drive young people to crime? Are young people so helpless that they'll collapse in a pile if they have to wait to receive a government handout? A lot of people are just plain lazy and receiving welfare is simply the easier option.
ReplyDeleteYes, there is such evidence. You might try:
There is a lot more, but I doubt you were actually asking for evidence when you posted the comment so I'm not going to bother tracking down the links.
The argument that taking people off welfare will push them into work rests on several strong assumptions. The most glaring is that there is work available. The government targeting young people seems particularly stupid in this regard because they are the least likely to have skills and experience (whether in a job or in finding a job) to leverage into a job. They are also extremely unlikely to have any capital (money) that they can use to relocate to somewhere there is work (I concede that government policy should put a lot more effort into facilitating and expecting relocation).The unemployment is at 6.1%, which suggests that many people would not be able to find a job. What other option do they have then other than crime? Perhaps they could subsist on charity? This is demeaning, almost identical to welfare (most major charities in Australia are government funded), and less efficient than tax financed welfare. They could potentially move back in with their folks and wait around for a job to appear. Two problems there. First, many people don't have families they can fall back on. Second, they contribute no consumption to the economy. It needs to be remembered that welfare is not dead money - it goes back in to circulation to support other jobs.
A second strong assumption of anti-welfare arguments is that the people in question are fit to work. Those with extremely low IQ, disabilities, mental health problems and poor soft skills like attention-span, sociability etc. may be unemployable (note that soft skills are largely a question of the child's environment from age 0-5 and are not predominantly a person's 'fault': There are simply no businesses in Australia that would take such people. They would only be taken if you instituted a subsidy to such businesses to offset the productivity loses from employing bad labour. At this point, you're straight back to welfare. What's more, when such policies were attempted in the US, they were a failure. Perhaps you think it is simply critical for people to work. In that case, make it compulsory for welfare recipients to do volunteer work. Why must they do the worst work that is available, especially when that work has little benefit to society?
A related issue is single providers. We don't want these people working full time because that prevents them spending time with their kids which has been shown to lead to entrenched disadvantage and a cycle of poverty. It is certainly useful for children to see their parents working, but how many hours is required to achieve this effect? Surely full time work is not necessary. 10 hours a week to qualify for various family benefits would be much better than no welfare or earned income tax credits but only on full time work.
The key thing to remember with any changes to things like welfare policy is that while there may be some bludgers who are assisted by a more punitive approach there will always be plenty of people who are harmed. How you balance these two is not clear. In a country like Australia where welfare is brutally stingy ($17/day - the lowest rate in the OECD) there seems little incentive for people to stay on the dole who have any other option, so I suspect the number you would harm is much larger than those you would enable.